ID. Knowledge

Electric vehicle with a guidepost

Your quick-charging station for knowledge

Do you have any questions regarding electric mobility? Here you will find anything you need to know: How to charge your electric car, what you need to charge it, how you can pay and how big the range is.

How far can I drive? 

Here you’ll find all information on the subjects of battery, charging and range.

Sustainable charging at home and on the go

The Volkswagen charging concept offers you everything from a single source: from electric vehicles to green electricity.

Where can I charge up? 

Whether at home, at work, or on the way – that’s how easy it is to charge your electric vehicle.

All categories at a glance

Switching to e-mobility  

The number of reasons for sustainable electric mobility keeps increasing. We have compiled the most important ones for you. When will you switch?

Charging & Range

All you need to know/All important information at a glance: Find out how to charge your electric vehicle, learn how you can conveniently pay and how far you can go.

Technology & development

Discover the fascination of electric mobility and the platform on which all future ID. models are based: the modular electric toolkit MEB.


Sustainable electric mobility requires holistic solutions. We are showing you how we can protect the climate together by using green energy during the production and use phase of our vehicles.